The PESW 2020

November 6 - 8, the PESW workshop will take place in Horomerice (http://pesw.fit.cvut.cz/2020/).
The Prague Embedded Systems Workshop is a research meeting organized for the 8th time already, which is intended for the presentation of Ph.D. students’ results and partial progress in their research in the field of all aspects of embedded systems design, testing and applications.
The IEEE SB coorganizes the Workshop. IEEE SB also organizes the Student Poster Session.
Download the Call For Papers
Student Poster Session
The objective of the Student Poster Session at the PESW is to provide a forum for presentation of student works defended in this or in the last year. The presented works must be Bachelor or Master Theses from the field of Embedded Systems.The poster session is organized by students for students, while the workshop is a unique forum, where you can meet researchers and PhD. students from around the world - you can find new friends, discuss your ideas and have a lot of fun.
Best posters will be rewarded by valuable prizes donated by IEEE and the workshop sponsors.
Please, refer to the PESW webpage to submit your work.
In case of any question, please contact the session Chairs:
Tomas Kolarik, kolarto5@fit.cvut.cz
Jan Belohoubek, jan.belohoubek@fit.cvut.cz