Visit of Power Plant in Kladno - Alpiq Generation (CZ) s.r.o.

Event logoOn 22nd September 2017, the power plant in Kladno was visited by PhD students from IEEE SB PES from CTU in Prague and university in Leuven (Belgium). The power plant in Kladno operates five production units (K4, K5, K6, K7, and K8) with total rough electric power 523.8 MWe. Three units are thermal with brown coal combustion for combined electric and thermal power generation. One unit is modern thermal with combined brown coal and biomass combustion for electric power generation. The last unit is modern steam-gas for fast electric power generation during load peaks as the distribution power system requires. Big thermal and electric distribution systems are parts of the power plant and all systems as prepared for island operation after potential black-out. A Huge part of the visit was a tour through whole power plant with the professional discussion.

Alpiq Generation Website
